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We offer the following Telehealth services

Navigator of Health Care System: Are you frustrated and giving up hope? No time to deal with insurance companies or service providers? Sovereign Journey provides an elite concierge service to obtain the support you need to realize either your personal goals or those of a loved one. Leave it to us to provide linkage to supports, engage the most suitable settings for treatment, and negotiate prices or insurance coverage. We tailor support to your personal needs so that you can focus on recovery.


Trauma and Mental Health Treatment: Using Cognitive Processing Interventions or Cognitive Behavioral Interventions (both evidence-based), a person-centered holistic plan is developed to bring healing from life trauma or other mental health issues. The process includes diet, exercise, and meditation/prayer and can be completed in 12-18 sessions. These interventions have been shown to markedly improve daily functioning, social relationships, and overall well-being.


Chemical Dependency Treatment: The Gorsky process is the model for treatment. Cognitive Behavioral Interventions are utilized to help manage cravings, build self-esteem, and address guilt and shame over behavioral consequences. In addition, a model is introduced to build a balanced lifestyle based on a sense of meaning and purpose.


Couples Therapy: For couples who have lost patience and given up hope or are simply looking for a relationship tune-up. The goal is improved communication, negotiation to meet personal and couple’s needs, and managing conflict in a healthy manner consistent with the couple’s mission statement. The result of this treatment process is improved spiritual, emotional and physical intimacy.


Emotional Regulation: Are you feeling numb or completely out of control? Are you experiencing an internal tornado?Is anxiety, depression, fear, guilt, or anger destroying important relationships, reducing performance at work, or destroying your inner peace? Cognitive Behavioral and mindfulness interventions are utilized to bring healing from damaged emotions.


Personal/Professional Life Coach: Are you struggling at work or in your personal relationships? Are you feeling lost, stuck, and unhappy? Mr. Spann has over 20 years of experience in business and program development and possesses a key understanding of systems in business and healthcare. He will lend his extensive knowledge and experience to help you facilitate personal/professional growth based on your own individual goals.

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